After a sexual assault, life can become challenging. Trauma symptoms like flashbacks or nightmares, avoidance of places or people that remind you of the assault, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, changes in mood, and having difficulty expressing how you feel can negatively impact your life. Seeing a counselor regularly can help you meet goals to take back control and gain confidence.
In counseling, you are matched with a qualified sexual assault counselor that will meet you where you are. Counseling sessions are client-led. This means that the client has the control of how counseling session go. Your counselor will work with you to develop a plan to meet your goals and help you work towards them.
Our counseling services are for all ages, 4 years old and up. We can provide counseling sessions in our offices or at other convenient and confidential places throughout the community, such as schools and churches.
We offer counseling for survivors and their family members who are impacted by the sexual assault. Counseling sessions can be individual, in family, or in our weekly groups.
Group Counseling
Throughout the year, we have closed groups for current clients. These groups focus on general topics related to healing from sexual assault.

Adult Group
This weekly group uses verbal counseling skills to teach and practice coping skills, promote positive and healthy relationships, and bolster overall life quality. The topics of each group reflect experiences related to sexual assault. This group is only available for current clients.

Music Therapy Group
Led by a board-certified music therapist, this weekly group for teens uses music to process sexual trauma-related feelings and promote emotional expression. This group is only available for current clients.